Returning Clients 10% Discount

Returning Clients receive 10% off our listed prices

We love to see you come back!

Developing your skills further or upgrading to a higher qualification can assist you to grow your success ... so why not complete more qualifications and be empowered?

We will automatically extend a discount of 10% off the listed price for any further qualifications you enrol in with us - we enjoy seeing our clients develop and succeed!

(That is 10% off - even if the course already has a discounted price).


- Qualification means a full Certificate or Diploma level course.

- Partial qualifications, individual units and short courses do not qualify for this discount. 

Go back to home page for links to course information and enrolment! 

Please fill in the Application form below. Fields in bold are required.

Total Cost: $0
I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions

Calendar Usage Tips

  1. Yellow Highlight is day 1 of a new course
  2. Use month dropdown box to view future dates
  3. To apply for enrolment, click on yellow date of your choice
  4. Form opens - Complete your details and submit
Apply here for RPL, Remote or eLearning

Enquiry? Click here to email us


Enjoyed the course and learned a great deal. Very informative. I will be enrolling in 1 or2 other courses in the soon. My thanks to the staff, all of whom have been extremely helpful and friendly. I  wouldn't hesitate to recommend Scorpion ...
